💡Editor's note/编者按

很高兴看到这批来自世界另一端的访谈稿件,在兜兜转转后陆续面世。「加密飞行」专栏的缘起,以及首组访谈策划,是与友邻社区 Social Layer 共同完成的。作为一群经常在各地巡游的 “飞行员”,Eggy 和 Jiang 所带来的独特视野,正是「加密飞行」所想要展示的:一群从过去降落,置身于此刻,并渴望着挑战和探索更好未来的远航者。我们期待着这种展示,能够飞跃语言与物理距离的障壁,成为未来加密公民同现实之间的桥梁。

Social Layer × Uncommons
Reporter: Eggy&Jiang
Translator: Jazzy
Edit: 0614

「加密飞行」(Crypto Flight)

「加密飞行」(Crypto Flight) 是 Uncommons 的人物访谈专栏,围绕活跃在以太坊及加密世界一线的先锋个体,记录加密现实,生产多元视角,将交谈和日常语言作为方法,化约发生在彼处的遥远真实。取自 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 的 Vol de Nuit(长夜飞逝),象征密码朋克与加密公民飞向世界尽头的挑战和探索精神。

*本专栏接受投稿,公开招募访谈者和译者,欢迎联系WeChat: RealUncommons 投稿或开设你擅长并且感兴趣的专栏。


About Edge City/关于Edge City
Builder of Edge city/飞行城市的建造者
Experience of Pop-up/Pop-up 体验
Travel or Long-term relationship/持续旅行&在地联结
Discussion in Edge City/城市中的讨论
Building multigenerational community/多代社区的建设
Imagination across ages/跨年龄的想象力传递
Future of Edge City/Edge City 的未来

About Edge City/关于Edge City


I helped establish one of the first pop-up cities, Zuzalu, in Montenegro last year as a two-month experiment to explore whether we could bring together individuals interested in diverse projects and frontier technologies, particularly in crypto and longevity. The initiative was a success, highlighting the global desire for more such experiments. Inspired by Vitalik's vision of decentralization and public goods, we aimed to develop Zuzalu as a public good.

After creating Zuzalu, we debated its future—whether to develop it as an event area or something else. Ultimately, we concluded that decentralization would be more beneficial, allowing various people to create similar initiatives. I collaborated with co-founder Timour Kosters from Edge City, focusing on leading and building this ecosystem rather than just participating. This inspired the concept of "building on the edge," fostering an environment where diverse, innovative thinkers can thrive, which is the essence of Edge City.

We decided to create a communal village focused on multigenerational families, healthy living, and collaboration as a temporary campus. Participants will co-create experiences and projects, exploring how to accelerate progress through close living, outdoor activities, and fostering a culture of building rather than consuming. This concept aims to generate a vibrant space that attracts innovative talent, potentially evolving into a new urban area. My partner Devon(Devon Zuegel) joined based on this vision; she is interested in land in Northern California, while we prioritize being close to San Francisco to attract talent from cutting-edge industries. We are currently in the second phase of this experiment in Hillsborough.

去年我协助建立了首个Pop-up city,Zuzalu。我们在黑山进行的、为期两个月的实验,旨在探讨我们是否能够真正将对不同项目、技术、理念感兴趣的人聚集在一起,他们对于不同的生活方式和与其他从事前沿技术的人密切合作充满好奇。我们主要集中在加密货币和长寿(Longevity)领域。这个实验非常成功,最大的收获之一,是看到世界上出现更多这样的实验。受到Vitalik(以太坊创始人)在去中心化和公共物品领域的远景的启发,我们旨在让Zuzalu这个项目成为公共物品。

创造Zuzalu之后,我们围绕它的未来展开了辩论——是发展为一个活动空间还是其他形式。最终,我们认为去中心化会更有益,能让更多人能够创建类似的项目。我与Edge City的联合创始人Timour Kosters协同,专注于如何引领和建设这个生态系统,而不仅仅是参与。这激发了“Building on the edge”的概念,旨在创造一个让多样化、创新的思想家们蓬勃发展的环境,这就是Edge City的本质。

我们决定创建一个公共聚落——专注于多代同堂家庭、健康生活和协同的临时校园,参与者将共同创造体验和项目,探索如何通过附近生活、户外活动,以及培养一种用建造取代消费的文化,以此加速进步。这个概念旨在生成充满活力的空间,吸引创新人才,使它可能演变为新的城市。我的合作伙伴Devon(Devon Zuegel)正是基于这个愿景而加入的;她对北加州的土地感兴趣,而Edge City团队优先考虑靠近旧金山,以吸引前沿产业的人才。现在,我们正在希尔斯堡(Healdsburg)享受这一实验的第二个阶段。

注:Devon正在寻找土地建设Esmeralda: a family-friendly neighborhood based on walkable urbanism, lifelong learning, & healthy living.

Some of you have been here for a month, others for a week, and some for just two days, but you've all experienced the world we envision—a space that fosters human flourishing, cooperation, and multi-generational connections while advancing health innovations and integrating diverse industries. We’re still far from perfect, and there's much room for improvement in our infrastructure. We planned to address this in a Q&A session. While I’ve seen some questions, the first step is to find a location near the bay, ideally within a 1 to 2-hour radius of San Francisco, that’s somewhat workable.

We have a welcoming local community excited about this initiative, with ample accommodations and resources. Now that you’ve experienced Healdsburg, we’d like to know if it feels like a good location and what changes you would suggest. We want to explore various industries and topics, with a particular focus on the multi-generational aspect and health improvements. Additionally, we’ll discuss upcoming events in Argentina in August with Project Crecimiento and in Thailand in October.


现在我们已经有了友好的当地社群,以及一群对这个项目充满热情的人,并拥有足够的住宿和资源。在体验了Healdsburg之后,你们认为这个地方是否合适?我们也希望寻求更多的建议,探讨不同的行业和主题,特别是多代连接和健康改善方面。此外,我们还将讨论即将八月在阿根廷的 Crecimiento项目和十月在泰国举行的活动。

Builder of Edge city/飞行城市的建造者


Do you have an estimate of how many people have traveled here compared to those coming from the Bay Area? Can we get a breakdown of the two-hour catchment area?



Forty percent of participants are from the Bay Area. As we evaluate what makes a great location for pop-ups, we currently have 1,300 people participating over the course of the month.



I want to explore the experience between events and the impact of the monthly gaps on the community. One potential challenge could be housing costs. Especially if 60% of attendees are from out of town, paying for flights and accommodations might become an issue. Even if the flight is longer, people may still be willing to come as long as the location is attractive and there are good housing options.



We have full-time cities where everyone can live, but what does that look like? What affects people more: flight duration or cost? Is a 36-hour flight more daunting, or is a $2,000 ticket price a bigger deterrent? Which has the greater impact?



Time zones are also a relevant factor. If you're in Latin America, the time zone is similar, allowing you to maintain your regular routine. However, if you're in Asia, the significant time difference can make it difficult to adjust, even after a month.


Experience of Pop-up/Pop-up 体验


II want to focus more on the actual town space and everyone’s experience. What makes working in this place enjoyable, and what aspects could be improved?



I believe people see effective activity planning as a seamless flow from one event to the next, with transit costs and time playing important roles. The close proximity of different activities—such as dining, work, and leisure—greatly enhances the experience. This setup allows families to engage in various activities without relying on traditional transportation, creating a transformative experience for children who can easily access services nearby.



I think that without this bike lane, we might not choose this place. Although Hotel Trio is a bit far from the city center, the bike lane makes transportation much more convenient.

如果没有这条自行车道,我们可能不会选择这个地方。虽然 Hotel Trio 酒店离市区有点远,但自行车道让交通便利很多。


There's a lot of natural beauty here, along with proximity to agriculture. Another advantage is the weather. While the bike paths are great, bad weather can reduce people's willingness to walk or bike. I previously visited Zuzalu, which is essentially a closed community, while ZuConnect is located in the center of a metropolitan area, so I’ve experienced both extremes.

In Zuzalu, you need a car or a taxi to get anywhere else, and you have to plan ahead. In ZuConnect, it feels like being in Istanbul, one of the coolest cities in the world, with concerts every night and vibrant social events. There's constant competition for attention within the community. I find Healdsburg to be a great middle ground; you can team up with others to explore the redwoods or enjoy local activities without feeling isolated.

这里的自然美景和农业资源很棒,为大家提供了高品质的体验。另一个优势则是天气。即便有自行车道,如果天气不好,人们的步行和骑行意愿就会降低。我之前去过Zuzalu,它本质上是个封闭的社区,而 ZuConnect 则位于一个大都市的中心,我见识了这两种极端。

在 Zuzalu,你必须有车或者叫出租车才能去任何其他地方,且必须提前计划。在 ZuConnect,在伊斯坦布尔这种全球最酷的城市之一,每晚都有音乐会和各种活动,这会吸引人们离开社区去做其他事情。这里(希尔斯堡)则是很好的中间地带。你可以与朋友一起开车去看红杉林,也可以留在社区,不至于觉得自己与外界隔绝。


You have to see people from there all the time. This is a great summary and one of the key questions we need to consider when designing these temporary cities. We've experimented with resort models like Zuzalu and large-scale models in metropolitan areas, where each project is concentrated within one or two blocks. Now, this is a town experiment; while I wish some areas were closer together, the overall spatial layout, including shared workspaces and craft workshops, is excellent.

你在 Zuzalu 时,总是和“那些人”在一起。规模是我们在设计这些快闪城市时要思考的问题之一。我们尝试过像Zuzalu那样的度假村模式,也试过像大都市的规模,每个项目都集中在一个或两个街区内。而现在这是个小镇实验。尽管我希望某些地方更加紧密,但Edge City整体的空间布局,包括共用办公空间、手工艺坊等都非常好。

Travel or Long-term relationship/持续旅行&在地联结?


We are exploring how to collaborate with other similar towns around the world to attract those who want to create and engage with interesting people. The next question is whether people find it more enjoyable to continuously travel to different places worldwide or to establish three or four fixed locations for more long-term relationships with the community.



I believe establishing long-term relationships is more meaningful. People gradually become more familiar with the environment, which can lower costs. For example, with housing, as people understand the situation better, they may book accommodations earlier. I've also noticed that many co-living communities typically take three to four years to develop a good atmosphere. Repeated experiences allow these relationships to accumulate and deepen over time.But there is also a downside. If everyone knows the location of the next event well in advance, all the hotels and Airbnbs might be fully booked six months before the event. This would create a more closed environment, allowing only those who knew about the event beforehand to participate, while those who missed the early information might not be able to attend.



Each stop is quite unique, which influenced our decision on naming. Initially, we considered calling every location "Edge City," but we realized this could create branding challenges. Instead, we decided that each space, shaped by its people and culture, should have its own name. This approach allows for distinct cultures to emerge, whether in Thailand, Japan, or South Africa, creating relevant identities for each location.

每个地点都是独特的,这影响着我们的命名决策。起初我们准备将每个地点都称为“Edge City”,后来意识到这可能会造成混淆。因此,我们决定每个空间应该根据其人群和文化拥有独特的名称。这样的做法允许在不同地方,例如泰国、日本或南非,形成独特的文化,为每个地点创造相关的身份。


Another benefit of repeatedly using the same location is that the local community gradually gets to know you, and relationships become closer. The first encounter might just involve a polite "Who are you?" but by the second meeting, they might say "Hello," and later on, they could express, "It's great to work with you." Another benefit is that when events are held in the same location consistently, their impact grows over time. For example, events like South by Southwest (SXSW) are always held in the same place, which shapes the event itself. If it were to change cities every year, it might not have the same level of influence. I believe our events can also benefit from this fixed-location model. Additionally, from a sustainability perspective, repeatedly using the same location benefits us and provides ongoing business and economic support to the local community, rather than hosting a grand event like the Olympics and then leaving.



Choosing new locations can indeed attract talent from different areas, especially in saturated places like San Francisco. You can also leverage innovation, talent, and resources from other locations to drive more participation. I believe there are two directions to consider. On one hand, groups like ours may lean toward stable, long-term locations as we age. On the other hand, the younger generation might prefer exploration and adventure, willing to travel and engage in activities in various places.选择新地点可以吸引不同地区的人才,尤其是在旧金山这种已经饱和的地方。你也可以利用其他地方的创新、人才和资源,推动更多参与。一方面,像我们这样的群体,随着年龄的增长,可能更倾向于稳定的长期地点;而另一方面,年轻一代可能更喜欢探索和冒险,愿意在不同的地方旅行和参与活动。

Discussion in Edge City/城市中的讨论


We work to bring in outstanding individuals from various fields and organize themed events, such as health and longevity in the first week, urban governance and the future in the second week, and cryptocurrency next week. For those of you already here, do you feel this event aligns with your industry or interests? Does this event provide any particular benefits for your respective industries?



As a local observer, I found the activities in the first two weeks to be fantastic, especially the days when we collaborated with the Foresight Institute. The event felt much more organized and coherent during that time. I've been here the whole month, and I find it fascinating to experience these cycles of change. Different people come and go, creating a unique atmosphere each week. It prevents the feeling of being trapped in a single topic for too long and keeps things dynamic.

作为一个本地的观察者,我觉得前两周的活动非常棒,尤其是与“Foresight institute”合作举办的那几天,感觉整个活动有条理且连贯。我整个月都在这里,体验变化周期非常有趣。不同的人来来去去,每周都有独特的氛围,让这里保持动态,避免一直讨论某个话题。


I work in the media in San Francisco, focusing on economic technologies and their intersection with culture and community. Being able to discuss the issues I care about in this environment and having time to focus and think is invaluable. For me, this is a very special place. I study many communities that attempt to break away from societal defaults, and usually, these communities lack the strong momentum and action that "Edge City" has. I believe this is a great combination of creativity and proactivity, which is quite rare. I think this week, focusing on the future of cities, I felt like I had to come from San Francisco here to meet people who are in San Francisco.

我从事媒体和文化科技相关的工作,尤其是在经济技术与文化社区交汇的领域。能够在这样一个环境中讨论我关注的事情,并且有时间专注思考,非常有价值。这对我来说是一个非常特别的地方。我研究很多试图脱离社会默认模式的社区,通常这些社区没有像“Edge City”这样强大的动能和行动力。这是一种很好的结合,既有创造力又有主动性,这种情况非常罕见。本周的主题“未来城市”非常有意义。我发现自己不得不从旧金山跑到这里,才能遇见那些同样来自旧金山的人。


Yes, that's interesting. When you bring people from the Bay Area here, they come to realize the value of the Bay Area itself.



Most healthcare projects agree on data ownership and collaboration among developers. However, the density of people involved varies; while some areas are too sparse, this location feels just right.



I think the depth is sufficient, especially for those who want to dive deep into a specific topic. I believe two weeks is enough for in-depth reflection, but for those who can't stay the entire month, it might be necessary to choose more precisely when to participate in the activities.



We tried to schedule different themes each week while also hoping to have some overarching themes throughout the event. Like parallel courses in a university, we wanted to allow people to explore freely across different topics. However, many people aren't accustomed to this approach and can't fully commit to an entire month. So we ultimately decided to arrange a series of main themes alongside parallel content while still maintaining flexibility for people to join at any time. We're trying to push this concept in Thailand and see if we can maintain this trajectory over the entire month, but it will certainly require more attention.


Building multigenerational community/多代社区的建设


Next, I want to discuss a big topic—building multigenerational communities. We aim to create a shared living and interaction space for people of all ages, particularly environments designed for families. One of the reasons I've started exploring co-living is my thoughts on how I will raise children. My own school experience wasn't pleasant, but my parents were very supportive of my creativity and provided many educational opportunities outside the classroom, for which I'm very grateful. Now, while people are trying to innovate within classroom education, I wonder if we can create a more diverse learning environment where children can learn in different settings and interact with more adults and varied lifestyles.

Research shows that many successful individuals had exposure to a wide range of adults and different learning environments during their upbringing. However, contemporary children mostly interact only with their parents or a few teachers at school, which greatly limits their perspectives. Our intention is to involve children in our lives and learning. I really appreciate the parents who bring their kids along—you're amazing! I tell many parents that they can "hit the exit button" at any time, but everyone has stayed committed. Next, I want to hear from both parents and non-parents—how has your experience been in multigenerational communities? What aspects have surprised or interested you?




I'm a father of a two-year-old, and my partner and I discussed for a long time before deciding to come here for the experience. We know this place tries to be kid-friendly, but we still couldn't overcome the challenges of bringing a two-year-old. We wanted to work but couldn't find suitable childcare, so in the end, we had to leave our child at home and participate in the activities ourselves.I think if there were childcare services available, we would be more inclined to bring our child. Education and childcare services are important factors for us when deciding whether to bring our child. I also find it meaningful to be around older adults. I’ve noticed that most of the local residents here are older, which adds richness and diversity to the experience. I wonder if you’ve considered a “homestay” model? I participated in some exchange programs when I was younger and stayed with host families, and it was a very meaningful experience for me.



We did consider the homestay model and discussed how to build such relationships. The local baseball team has a homestay program every year, and we hoped to learn from their experience. However, due to time and manpower constraints, we weren't able to implement this idea for this event. I realized that our team lacked the capacity to effectively maintain these relationships, and we wanted to ensure a good first impression. Our hope is that even if people don't meet again, they can still expand their connections over time. It's really interesting to see different groups come together. The diverse community you all bring fills a gap in ours.



I think it's very important to find a safe space where children can play freely and safely while parents can also connect with each other. We happened to encounter other parents and kids on our way to the ice cream shop, and these natural interactions are the most valuable. We didn't arrange it deliberately; the kids played together while parents had a chance to chat. Opportunities like this can promote social interaction.Additionally, I want to bring up the housing issue again. Families have different housing needs compared to singles or couples. We had to stay 15 minutes away from town to find suitable housing for our family. Lastly, I want to mention that the needs of families vary based on the age of their children. Families with 1- or 2-year-olds have different needs compared to those with kids aged 7 to 12.



I believe this is one of the key issues we need to explore—how to provide suitable community experiences for families. We don't want to exclude families due to our inability to offer specific services; instead, we want them to find their own solutions within this environment.



I think you all are doing a great job in this regard. Although addressing the needs of children can be quite complex, the outcome for us has been fantastic. We brought our six-year-old, and while they couldn't fully participate in all the activities, they felt the welcoming atmosphere. This experience has been different from any we had before; we were originally looking for a family-friendly summer camp, and what we found here far exceeded our expectations. Of course, such arrangements require a lot of effort, but for us, it's definitely worth it. The kids are having a great time, and we feel we don't need to focus too much attention on them, which makes the overall experience very enjoyable.



I haven't interacted with kids in a long time, which makes me think about my potential future life. Discussing fertility under the theme of health and longevity has prompted me to consider family and the future, and I've found myself looking forward to having children more than ever before. This is also one of the most multigenerational communities I've seen among so many temporary communities. When the participants are all young, there tend to be more "indulgent" activities. I don’t mean to downplay these activities; they’re fun, like attending parties or morning gatherings in an apartment. But now that I'm in my thirties, I find that these activities start to affect my productivity. This community feels more balanced. There are activities suitable for all age groups, like parent meet-ups, and this balance is something I really appreciate.


Imagination across ages/跨年龄的想象力传递


I think the presence of children has also provided me with a great experience. Yesterday, I spoke with a teenage girl who was very opinionated and shared many insightful ideas. She told me she wanted more activities, like playing with dogs. So, I arranged a dog play session for her, and later she told me she really enjoyed it. Then she made another suggestion: she wanted us to host a game night, like playing Mario Kart or Fortnite. She even offered detailed suggestions on when it should start and how to set up the space.This made me realize that children are not just passive participants; they have many creative ideas. She told me, "When I turn ten next year, I want to help build more cities."



I want to emphasize the importance of sharing knowledge across generations. Multi-generational communities have existed for a long time, and sharing wisdom is essential. Kids naturally seek this knowledge, and there's a simple way to teach them. For example, when asked how to use a paperclip, college students might come up with three ideas, while kindergarteners can suggest over a hundred. This shows how much we can learn from children. Instead of isolating ourselves, we should think about integration and how to create connections. There’s a lot to gain from an open educational environment, as demonstrated by last night’s experience at the hacker house, where both sides had valuable insights to share.



Another reason we wanted to include kids is that they really bring fun, and fun is very important in life. We wanted to ensure that Edge City is a fun space because it helps drop the ego. As we explore new ways of living and undertake major projects, the ego can often become a barrier. Kids have a wonderful way of reminding us that life is a wild journey filled with ups and downs, and that’s an important aspect to embrace along the way.

孩子们真的能带来乐趣,而乐趣在生活中非常重要。我们希望确保Edge City是一个有趣的空间,因为这确实有助于放下自我。在我们探索新生活方式和进行重大项目时,自我常常会成为障碍。孩子们有一种奇妙的方式提醒我们,生活是一段充满波折的奇妙旅程,这在旅途中是一个重要的方面。


You mentioned that some people teach kids origami and knitting, which is a great way to share knowledge. We could also teach kids fun skills like playing table tennis or chess. These activities not only benefit the children but also allow adults to learn a lot. I just received a text from my wife saying, "I turned around and didn't see Max; he climbed up a tree with Boris's twins!" So, while we can plan and organize activities, sometimes children's natural instincts lead them to find their own fun. It's a kind of unstructured "programming" where kids can freely explore without us constantly needing to keep an eye on them.This really is an ideal space—not too big or too small, not overcrowded, and easy to navigate. I feel this environment is perfect for families, and once they get familiar with the place, they’ll want to come back. In the future, I think we could create some videos or guides to help new families get acclimated more quickly.

你刚才提到有人教授孩子们折纸、钩织,这是一种很好的知识共享方式。我们可以教孩子们一些有趣的技能,比如如何打乒乓球或者下象棋。这些活动不仅让孩子们受益,成年人也可以从中学到很多。我刚刚收到我妻子的短信,她说:“我一转眼没看见Max,他和Boris的双胞胎一起爬到树上了!” 所以,虽然我们可以进行规划和安排活动,但有时候,孩子们自然的天性会引导他们找到自己的乐趣。这是一种不被安排的“编程”,孩子们可以在这里自由探索,而我们也不必时时关注他们。这是一个理想的空间,不大也不小,既不会太拥挤,也不会让人迷失方向。我觉得这种环境非常适合家庭,熟悉这个地方之后,家庭会想要再回来参与。我想在未来,我们可以制作一些视频或导览,帮助新来的家庭更快地熟悉环境。


Regarding community spaces, one last point: if any of you are involved in building new cities, please consider including public spaces like plazas. They are not just gathering places; they are the "soul" of a city. I spent countless sleepless nights while constructing Zuzalu because we needed a venue that could accommodate 600 to 800 people, and the city we ultimately chose didn't have enough space. But here, we see a great example of how more people can gather in this plaza, surrounded by dining options, creating a central meeting point. This kind of public space makes the entire community feel larger and more connected. For those building new cities, keep this in mind.

关于社区空间的最后一点,如果你们中有任何人在建造新城市,请务必考虑像广场这样的公共空间。它不仅仅是一个聚集的场所,还是城市的“灵魂”。我曾在构建 Zuzalu 时熬过无数个不眠之夜,因为我们需要找到一个能容纳600到800人的场所,而我们最后选择的城市没有足够的空间。但这次,在这里我们看到了一个很好的例子。我们可以有更多的人聚集在这个广场上,周围有餐饮选择,大家在中间聚集。这种公共空间让整个社区变得更大、更紧密。对于那些建造新城市的人,这一点请铭记在心。

Future of Edge City/Edge City 的未来


Finally, before we conclude, I want to discuss the future planning of "Edge City." We are planning some small roundtable discussions focusing on topics like cryptocurrency and others. We believe that bringing together people from different backgrounds to break down industry barriers and collaboratively solve problems is incredibly valuable.

Therefore, in addition to large events, we will also hold some small-scale discussions with around 20 participants to see how they go. Next, we will be launching a project called Crecimiento in Argentina. We hope to establish more meaningful collaborations with existing institutions and organizations, similar to our partnerships with Protocol Labs and Foresight, to create better experiences together. We will explore potential long-term collaboration opportunities in Argentina and perhaps host more events there in the future.

Next, we will be hosting an event in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from October 10 to November 10, right before the Devcon conference. I truly believe that, overall, cryptocurrency can be interesting in many other aspects. I see it more as an infrastructure layer rather than just a topic that always needs to be discussed, which is why I find these environments fascinating—to see how they operate. Here, my thinking will be stimulated, and it will be a very interesting and enjoyable experience. We have found some coworking spaces there and have identified a few hotels, considering a more concentrated small-scale residency format in parallel. Many people will act like a mycelial network connecting with each other throughout the process.

最后我们想讨论“Edge city”的未来规划。我们正在计划一些小型圆桌会议,聚焦于加密技术和其他主题。我们认为,把来自不同背景的人聚集在一起,打破行业壁垒,共同解决问题,这非常有价值。

除了大型活动外我们还将举办一些20人的小规模讨论会,看看效果如何。接下来我们会在阿根廷开展一个项目Crecimeiento。我们希望与现有的机构和组织建立更多有意义的合作,像与Protocol Labs和Foresight的合作一样,共同创造更好的体验。我们将在阿根廷考察潜在的长期合作机会,或许未来会在那里举办更多的活动。



去年我在黑山的快闪城市呆满了整整两个月,感受到由 Janine 这种能量满满,且考虑细微之处很周全的女性主导的社区设计。

下面的内容是来自 Janine 在 Healdsburg 举办快闪城市后与参与者的对谈,征求参与者感想等等。很开心能看到 Janine 在希尔斯堡对于多代家庭/多年龄人群共居的实践,对此在空间设计的考量上也很细致入微。以往多学科的人共居,后退一步看是精细分工下的产物,而多代人共居则是一种生命循环尺度上的交流。孩子能给予我们启发”,对谈中一位老者提到。

Janine: ”孩子们真的能带来乐趣,而乐趣在生活中非常重要“。译到这里的时候我会心一笑,记得去年在黑山采访 Janine 的时候天花板上掉下来一只小虫,她立刻回应道:Oh hey bug.(下一句仿佛是 make yourself at home :))

2024年秋冬是 Pop-Up 社区喷发的时期,除去那些带着自己创业项目或者某些领域头衔去的人,如果你也是像我一样的普通人,加入 Janine 系社区后发现自己可以贡献的事情,我相信她一定会在百忙之中尽力调动资源帮助你,激发你某一方面的潜能。

本录音文件由 Social Layer 的 Jiang & Eggy 录制~ 想更进一步了解 Janine 的背景和她做社区的理念可以看一下我去年对她的采访:Janine: 设计 ZUZALU 社区机制的魔法师, Janine twitter: https://x.com/JanineLeger

Love from Jazzy❤️

Social Layer in Edge Esmeralda / Phx:Eggy

Uncommons × Social Layer
Reporter: Eggy&Jiang
Translator: Jazzy
Edit: 0614

X @JoinEdgeCity @devonzuegel

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区块链世界内一隅公共空间,一群公共物品建设者,在此碰撞加密人文思想。其前身为 GreenPill 中文社区。
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